KPBSD Sped Manual: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)

The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) must tell the current story of the student. This must pass the Stranger Test (see goals and objectives section) so that all understand where that student is currently performing both academically and functionally. These are some important items to include in a well-written PLAAFP; however this is NOT an all-inclusive list:

  • Student Strengths: Includes strengths regarding academic, behavioral, social, communication, fine motor, gross motor, life skills, etc. as appropriate to the student. As kind as it is, strengths are not that a child is pretty or has a charming smile. You can certainly include these statements, but they are not strengths of the student.
  • How Disability Affects GenEd Involvement: Includes statement of HOW disability affects involvement and progress in general education, not just a statement of what the disability is. This should be clearly written. If a general education teacher understands how the student’s disability would affect the student’s involvement in his or her classroom from this statement, then it is clearly written.
  • Student’s Current Functioning: This section needs to be very clear. This is not a section to talk about a student’s weaknesses, but rather a prescription of his or her needs. This section should include functioning regarding academic, behavioral, social, communication, fine motor, gross motor, life skills, mobility, etc. as appropriate to the student. This section should also include the most recent State Standard’s Based Assessment (SBA) or High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE) scores (several years may be appropriate to include if there is a need to compare years). This section must also include relevant current educational evaluation information from the most recent 3-year reevaluation.
    • The PLAAFP allows automatic pasting of the data for LD students from the eligibility and summary report. The pasting will be appended to the end of any existing data and will not override what is already there. It is extremely important that you take the time to review that data and the way that it is written to ensure a smooth flow to your PLAAFP that assures understanding for all.
  • Other Agency Comments: Agency comments are required whenever an outside agency is involved in the student’s program or has relevant information to their educational experience.
  • Parent Comments, Needs, Concerns: Parent / Adult student comments need to be documented clearly and updated each year. A statement that the parent did not attend the meeting is not acceptable for this section. The case manager is still responsible to speak to the parents about their concerns and needs and to obtain any other information relevant to the IEP.

The PLAAFP is not about quantity or length; it is about quality and clarity.

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