Sped Database Handbook: Previewing and Error Checking

Previewing Error CheckingList of Errors


Previewing allows you to see what the final printout of either an Evaluation Summary/Eligibility (ESER) or an IEP will look like as opposed to the entry screens.  Entry screen data is inserted into a readable format and thus the print form of either a ESER or an IEP will look different than what you see in the database.

The ESER entry screen has the option to preview a printed ESER on screen.

The IEP also has the option to preview a printed IEP on screen.

While a referral can only be previewed from the ESER screen, an IEP can be previewed from any of the IEP screens.

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Error Checking

Both an ESER and an IEP have automatic and user invoked error checking.

The ESER entry screen has the option for the user to check for errors.

The IEP also has the option for the user to check for errors.

The automatic error checking occurs when the option to print either a Referral or an IEP from the Print Menu is exercised.  The IEP program will allow you to print either a Referral or an IEP with identified errors, however, either a Referral or an IEP with identified errors will ONLY print with the word “DRAFT” across every page.

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List of Errors

Below is the page a user will see when invoking “Error Ck” (click on image to enlarge).

There are eight main areas in which error checking occurs – the ESER, IEP Info, IEP Cover Page, Extended School Year, Goals/Objectives, LRE, Summary of Services, and Transition Plan.  An error is indicated by a check in the box to the left of each line item.  If no boxes are checked, no errors have been found in the items reviewed by the IEP program.

If a box is checked, clicking on the yellow “Go To” button to its right will take you directly to the error.  To help you locate the error field quickly, it will blink in red three times. After the field is done blinking, you will be able to correct the error.

If there are multiple errors, clicking the “Back” tab at the top of the page will take you back to the error listing page.  This has a twofold advantage in that you will see if the “checked” box is now blank for the error you have just fixed and it will let you go directly to the next indicated error by clicking on the next “GoTo” button.

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