Celebrations – Retirements, Departures, and Awards

Congratulations on your retirement!  Thank you for your years and best wishes to you!

star-bullet-point-blog Fran Stetson
star-bullet-point-blog Jill Ramponi
star-bullet-point-blog Laura McIndoe
star-bullet-point-blog John Clare
star-bullet-point-blog Lori Ford
star-bullet-point-blog Vidya Oftedal
star-bullet-point-blog Jill Herbert

To those leaving our district, we wish you the best of luck!

bullet-point-image-8 Heather Corbett
bullet-point-image-8 Tracy Brown
bullet-point-image-8 Deana Kahn
bullet-point-image-8 Jocelyn Shiro
bullet-point-image-8 Kelly Sheffer
bullet-point-image-8 Logan Schulz
bullet-point-image-8 Matt Tucker
bullet-point-image-8 Susan Stempel
bullet-point-image-8 Shilo McManus

Congratulations to Judy Gonsalves, West Homer Speech-Language Pathologist and 2015 BP Teacher of Excellence Finalist!


Celebrations – Inclusive Practices Award Nominations

Resource Teachers Bobbie Spence and Mary Roed from Redoubt Elementary and Cynthia Fudzinski from       Tustumena Elementary have been nominated for the 2015 Inclusive Practices Award. This is an award given by the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education to recognize outstanding educators who work to ensure students with disabilities have the opportunity for an inclusive education in the general education curriculum. The nominations are based on the following activities that assure a positive learning environment for all:

star-bullet-point-blogInvolving parents as equal partners in their child’s education

star-bullet-point-blogEncouraging student’s self-determination

star-bullet-point-blogEmphasizing inclusive practices amongst peers and others

star-bullet-point-blogProviding leadership in sharing the values of inclusion

star-bullet-point-blogDesigning support services that enable access to the regular curriculum

star-bullet-point-blogModifying programs or curricula as needed



Celebrations – ASSEC Presentations

Congratulations to the following folks for their upcoming presentations at the Alaska State Special Education Conference (ASSEC) in February!

star-bullet-point-blogMonica Stockburger & Trina Uvaas: Student-Led IEPs for all Students

star-bullet-point-blogHolly Abel: Best-practices in Presenting Evaluation Results: How to Write and Share Reports that Build Relationships

star-bullet-point-blogClayton Holland & Deb Evensen: Evolution toward a Solution

star-bullet-point-blogAngie Nelson & Tracy Brown: Teaching Social Skills

star-bullet-point-blogJordana Engebretsen: Digital Learning for Special Education Students

star-bullet-point-blogHolly Zwink & Robanne Stading: Best practice, researched based instructional strategies for all grade levels



Celebrations – Redoubt Philosophies

The Redoubt Special Education Staff review their philosophy each year as a way refocusing their energy on the students.  Below are the “Redoubt Philosophies”: 

  1.  Our focus is the students.  Our job is to be teachers to students.  Students have to come first.
  2.  We teach through academic and behavioral lessons and modeling appropriate behavior.  We attempt to model calm behavior and learning.  We follow plans that are put in place.
  3.  We have high expectations for our students.  We want them to learn as much as possible.
  4.  We value ourselves, our roles, and what we can offer to our students.
  5.  We work best when we are consistent have clear expectations and directions and use common language with students.
  6.  If these kids were “easy” we wouldn’t be working with them.
  7.  School has to be a positive experience for our students.  We need to make what we’re teaching as exciting and positive as possible.
  8.  We strive to make connections with our students.  Students in special education have the highest drop out numbers.  The more they are connected, the better their education.
  9.  We ask kids to try their best so we need to try our best as well.  We ask kids to do things that are hard or not fun and we have to do hard and not fun things as well.
  10.  We are part of a bigger team; not only a special education team, but a school team, a district team and a community team.
  11.   We attempt to build independence in our students.  We build independence by:
  • Providing expectations of rules and behaviors
  • Providing specific assignments with clear completion points
  • Allowing students to work independently
  • Encourage students to self-monitor and ask for breaks if needed
  • Providing a predictable schedule

12. We keep in mind our job is difficult; however, it must remain confidential to protect the rights of our students.


Celebrations – Thank you to our Educational Support Professionals!

Thank you to our Educational Support Professionals who work with our students everyday! The work that you do makes a difference for all of our students and you are an inspiration to all staff!

What If?

Let’s suppose just for a moment, what if there weren’t any ESP
What would become of our schools and where would education be
If not for the dedication of each Education Support Professional
How could our schools ever survive or even function at all

For the bus driver wouldn’t be there to pick up children along the way
The doors wouldn’t be unlocked, the lights on, or the buildings heated each day
The aides wouldn’t be there to help those children with a special need
Or the cooks wouldn’t have a hot and tasty meal ready for all to feed

School security wouldn’t be there to watch over the children with care
Each child’s records wouldn’t be the secretary’s load to bear
The computers would crash without the technician to keep them up to date
And not for the maintenance personnel, one can only guess the school’s fate

And there are many more that give so much, each in a different capacity
For to each ESP, education is far more than just another job or utility
Education is each child’s future, the hope and prayers of our nation
For that future, each day, ESP give their work, love, and dedication

~Written by Dave Arnold – Custodian at Brownstone Elementary School in Illinois