HSGQE Resource Guides

If you have students taking the HSGQE this spring that have an approved modification to use math and/or writing resource guides, please make sure that students are familiar with the resource guides before the test administration.  If you haven’t already, you should download the resource guides and begin working with students so that they have an opportunity to use these guides and become comfortable with them prior to April’s test administration.

The state-approved resource guides can be found online (see links below).

Only students with a State-approved modification can use these resource guides on the HSGQE re-test!

Links to Guides:

Math Resource Guide
Writing Resource Guide

New Assessment Field: Not Subject to Testing

We have added a new checkbox to the assessment participation section of the IEP database: “Not subject to assessment due to age or having passed the HSGQE.”

This checkbox should be used for students who are not of testing age (grades PS-2) or for students who have already passed the HSGQE and are no longer subject to state testing.  This field can also be used for Alternate Assessment students in grades 11, 12 or 12+

Snapshot of Assessment Participation section of IEP database

Using Audio CDs and Read Alouds for the HSGQE

Important HSGQE News!

For the upcoming HSGQE testing in April, CD recordings of the test questions for the writing and math tests are available to order from the state. These audio CDs are ordered several months before testing begins, and it is important that accommodations are properly documented in student IEPs so that we have an accurate count when ordering materials from the state.

There are a number of high school students who have an accommodation in their IEPs for “Reading or signing math, science or writing test questions on the state required examinations to the student.”  If you have students who need test questions read aloud, and for whom CD recordings of the test would be appropriate, please make sure that the accommodations box for “Using test contractor audio version of the HSGQE writing and mathematics tests,” is checked on the IEP.

Snapshot of accommodations checkboxes in IEP database

If this accommodation is necessary and the box is not already checked on the student’s IEP, you will need to do an amendment to add the accommodation. For students who are first-time HSGQE testers, this box may not have been checked on previous IEPs.

If the student needs a person to read the test questions aloud (rather than using an audio recording), then “Reading or signing, math, science or writing items…” would be the appropriate accommodation to select. For the HSGQE, non-certified staff (ex. paraprofessionals) can act as readers or scribes but they must be directly supervised by a certified proctor.

Accommodations used for testing MUST correspond with those that are used on a regular basis in the classroom. New or unfamiliar accommodations



October 2011 FAQs

Q:   If a student breaks his/her dominant arm, is a 504 Accommodation Plan necessary to make accommodations on the state tests?
A:   No. According to the new Participation Guidelines from the state, “students with transitory impairments (impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less) are not regarded as individuals with disabilities if the impairment is transitory and minor.” See the Participation Guidelines, pg. 10, for more information. Full guidelines are available online at

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Q:   What are the proficient scores for the HSGQE (High School Graduation Qualifying Exam)?
A:   Reading:  287;  Writing  304;  Math  328

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Q:   I submitted my students’ application for their HSGQE. The exam is in October. How do I know if the modifications were approved?
A:   Any HSGQE modifications which do not  have a corresponding “Date approved” in the database are still considered pending and should not  be implemented during the fall HSGQE re-test.  Case managers can contact Laura Rhyner if they believe modifications that are listed as pending should be listed as approved.

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Q:   How about use of CDs or readers during the HSGQE?
A:  CD recordings of the test questions for the writing and math tests are available to order from the state. If you have students who need test questions read aloud, and for whom CD recordings of the test would be appropriate, please make sure that the accommodations box for “Using test contractor audio version of the HSGQE on writing and mathematics tests,” is checked on the IEP.  If this accommodation is necessary and the box is not checked on the student’s IEP, you will need to do an amendment to add the accommodation. For students who are first-time HSGQE testers, this box may not have been checked on previous IEPs.

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Q:   What are the proficiency scores for the SBAs (Standards-Based Assessments)?
A:   Reading:  300; Writing:  300;  Math:  300

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Q:   Why did I get an email from Darla or Rebecca about my paperwork, and why is there a red “M” showing on a student of mine in the database?
A:   Paperwork is to be completed and sent home to parents within two (2) weeks after the close of the meeting. Case managers have one (1) additional week to have paperwork in the hands of Darla or Rebecca at the District Office. If paperwork is not received at the District Office within three (3) weeks of the meeting held, a “red M” will be marked in the sped database and an email will be sent to the case manager. If a second reminder is needed, the email will be sent to the case manager and copied to the school principal.

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Q: Is it all right to write 1:1 adult or aide in a student’s IEP?
A: At times, IEP teams may determine that a student requires additional adult support for a student to be able to benefit from the services provided through their IEPs. Refrain from stating in IEPs that a student needs a one-to-one aide. Instead state the need: Student requires additional adult support for instruction and behavior throughout the school day, or for whatever the IEP determined need is. And always consult with your program coordinator.

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