Flowchart: Special Ed and Title 1 Preschool

Special Ed and Title 1 Flowchart






















Title 1 Preschool Flowchart (pdf)

Read more about the KPBSD Title 1 program here.

Changes to Referral Screen

I’ve made some changes to the Referral Info screen in the sped database to help clarify which paperwork is required when.  The sections in darker blue are required only for initial referrals—these sections should not be modified at a 3-year re-eval.

The Consent for Evaluation, however, must be completed at every initial referral and 3-year re-eval when the team determines that formal testing is required as part of the evaluation.  Please be sure that you update both date fields in the Consent for Eval section.  The first date is the date that the consent form was sent/given to the parents and the second date is the date it was actually received by you.  In many cases these dates will be the same.  The second date field is the one that starts the 75 day timeline in which the ESER and IEP must both be complete.

Snapshot of Referral screen in IEP database

Changes to Sped Main Screen – Highlighting Referrals at 45 Days

The main screen on the special ed database will now highlight students who have been in the special ed referral process for 45 days or more.  The timeline in KPBSD is 75 calendar days from the date that consent to evaluate is obtained, to the date that the ESER and IEP must be complete.

Keep in mind that the date consent is signed, counts as the first day in the 75 day count—even if the consent form is signed at 5:00 pm

Snapshot of student list on main page of IEP database










This is meant to give case managers a heads up as the 75-day deadline approaches, to ensure that you have plenty of time to get a date set for your ESER/IEP meeting and complete the process within the required time frame.

The system will also highlight referrals who are missing either of the consent dates on the “Referral Info” screen.  If one of your students is highlighted, and you feel you are still under 45 days, please double check to make sure that both consent dates have been entered into the database (see below).

Snapshot of Consent dates in IEP database