KPBSD Sped Manual: Ages of Which to Be Aware

star-bullet-point-blog Student Turns 3

Student enters special education in a public school. Student may transition from Part C services. Entrance data must be completed on COSF.

star-bullet-point-blog Student turns 6

At the age of 6, if a child has been in special education for at least 6 months, early childhood exit indicators must be completed. (Exit COSF completed)

star-bullet-point-blog Student turns 9

A child who has been eligible under the category of Early Childhood Developmental Delay must have another (different) eligibility determination made or student will no longer be eligible for special education.

star-bullet-point-blog Student turns 16

By age 16, a transition plan must be in place in the IEP. If a student will turn 16 before the IEP annual will be due, the transition plan is required during the current IEP year.

star-bullet-point-blog Student turns 17

At age 17, a transfer of rights letter must be sent to parent and student. Future communication must be directed to student. District office sends home this letter.

star-bullet-point-blog Student turns 22

Students in Alaska are eligible for special education programs if less than 22 on July 1 of the school year.

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