KPBSD Sped Manual: Out of District IEPs / Temporary Placement

When a child who has a current IEP from another district moves to KPBSD, the IEP team must decide whether to accept the eligibility and IEP established by the previous district.

If the IEP team decides to:

  1. Reject the eligibility, the parents would sign a temporary consent for placement and the team would initiate an initial evaluation for our district. If the current IEP is not available or either party believes it is not appropriate, the IEP team must evaluate and develop a new IEP within 30 days.
  2. Accept the eligibility, but not the incoming IEP, the parents would sign consent for temporary placement. The team holds an IEP meeting within 30 days.
  3. Accept both eligibility and IEP. The team may find that the IEP requires minor revisions to align with the services provided in KPBSD. An out of district IEP can be accepted and still amended to reflect these minor changes (such as summary of services minutes). The IEP team does not need to conduct an IEP meeting if the current IEP is available, the parents agree with it and the IEP team finds it appropriate – acceptance can be accomplished through an IEP amendment.

If the IEP team decides to develop a new IEP, interim services may be provided via a temporary placement, if the parents and school agree. The development of an interim IEP (or use of a temporary placement) may be appropriate for an individual child with a disability if there is some question about the child’s special education or related service needs. These will only be used for students transferring into KPBSD with a current or recently expired IEP.

(See more here: Out of District Paperwork – What Needs to Go in the Database)

Temporary placements are allowed provided:

  1. An IEP is developed.
  2. The parents must agree in writing (by signing the temporary placement form) to the temporary placement.
  3. The temporary placement must not continue beyond 30 calendar days.
  4. An IEP team meeting must be conducted before the end of the interim period.
  5. All applicable IEP content requirements are met with no lapse in services between the interim and final placements.

As soon as services are determined for a student with an out-of-district IEP, initial consent to placement must be reviewed:

  •  If the team accepts the ESER and IEP from the sending school district and the files include a Parent Consent for Initial Placement from that district, KPBSD can accept this form.
  •  If the out of district file does not have Consent for Initial Placement, parents must sign a KPBSD form.
  •  If the team evaluates instead of accepting the out of district paperwork, parents must sign KPBSD Consent for Initial Placement upon completion of the evaluation.

All files for preschool and students coming from residential treatment facilities will be reviewed at Pupil Services.

If a student comes into the district with an IEP placement that is not available at the student’s enrolling attendance area school, a Program Coordinator is required to be involved in the placement discussions with school staff.

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