KPBSD Sped Manual: Parent Revokes Consent for Services

Once a parent has signed initial consent for a child’s placement in special education the consent is binding until the child exits, unless a parent revokes consent for all special education services in writing. If a parent wishes to discontinue their child from receiving special education services, these concerns need to be addressed meaningfully with the building administrator present (perhaps there was a breakdown in communication that can be resolved to ensure that the student continues receiving needed services). If the parent continues to refuse services:

1. Case manager will print the “Revocation of Consent for Special Services” form from the sped database.

2. Case manager and / or principal will review the bulleted points on the form with the parent, ensuring the parent understands the full picture of his / her decision. Ask parent to think on it a couple of days, and if age appropriate, to speak to the child about the decision.

3. Obtain written request from parent AND parental signature on the revocation form. This form includes the following key points that the parents should understand:

  • Revocation has the effect of returning the student to general education as a non – disabled student
  • District may not use mediation or due process to continue services
  • District may not discontinue services until the Written Notice has been given to parent (within 10 school days)
  • District is not required to conduct an evaluation before discontinuing services
  • Revocation is not retroactive and does not erase what has already occurred
  • If a parent reconsiders services at a later date, the parent must request an initial evaluation to determine what assessment is needed for eligibility and whether the student is eligible for services at that time
    • **Note: the team may use existing data, but the entire initial evaluation process must be followed
    • Revocation applies to all special education and related services
    • District will no longer conduct evaluations, hold IEP meetings or develop IEPs for student
    • Student will be subject to all of the same requirements as general education students including no testing accommodations and modifications and no protections regarding disciplinary procedures and timelines.

4. Provide copies of the signed consent and Written Notice to parent and school file, and originals to district office file. See sample revocation Written Notices in the appendix.

Schools are encouraged to talk with their parents about revoking consent for provision of special education services. Holding an IEP team meeting would allow parents to voice concerns and allow the school team an opportunity to respond to the request for revocation. At any point in the process, the school or the parent can contact the school’s Program Coordinator for assistance and / or more information.

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