KPBSD Sped Manual: Identification – Child Find

bullet-point-image-7 Preschool-aged children: Parents contact Pupil Services to schedule a screening appointment with the child find coordinator. Following the screening, evaluators meet with parents to plan evaluation which begins following parental consent.

bullet-point-image-7  School-aged children enrolled in public school:

  • Intervention: The purpose of intervention is problem solving to address a student’s learning and behavioral challenges. Refer to the KPBSD Intervention Manual
  • Evaluation request / referral: Parents or others may submit a letter requesting that their child be evaluated for special education services. It is the district’s responsibility to respond by holding a meeting to discuss the request. The team will then determine if the student should be evaluated for special education or if there is another way to address the student’s needs, such as through intervention, classroom accommodations, etc.

bullet-point-image-7  School-aged children not enrolled in public school:  Children not enrolled in district schools have a right to an evaluation, if necessary, to determine the need for special education services. To initiate a referral, contact must be made with the child’s home attendance area public school or district office.

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