March 2013 FAQs


Q: Who contacts the transportation office when students need to have transportation added to or removed from their program?

A: The case manager is responsible.

Q: When I print my IEP, the last line of the PLAAFP cuts in half. What can I do?

A: The most important thing is that you notice that this has happened so that you are not     sending it home difficult to read. The best thing to do is to check where the line is cutting off and hit “enter” a few times to move that line down to the next page. Reprint and check again. Repeat until it is a clean line.

Q: What was I supposed to do with that consent for transition agency section on the IEP signature page?

A: By law, we are required to invite transition agencies, as appropriate, to IEP meetings starting when students turn 16 years old. We are also required to have consent to have any agency that we invite participate. The section on the signature page of the IEP is for parents/ adult student to provide their consent. If no transition agencies were invited to the meeting, write “none at this time” on the signature line, and the parent does not need to sign. Please also  reconsider the need for a transition agency to be invited for the next meeting.

Previewing IEPs and Printing Individual Pages

Minor revisions or amendments to student IEPs will often create the need to print a single page of a student’s IEP.  The print menu allows you to select individual pages of a student’s IEP, but you will need to know which page contains the content you are looking for.

Snapshot of IEP print screen








Because every student’s PLAAFP is different, each IEP is a different length.  One student’s “Program Modifications & Accommodations” may appear on page 3, while a different student’s may print on page 5. To avoid printing extra pages, you can preview a printed version of the IEP first, to be sure you are printing the correct page.

1. Select the student record that you wish to print, and click on the “Preview IEP” tab at the top of the screen:
Snapshot of IEP Database Tabs



2. When the preview of the IEP comes up, use the rolodex arrows in the upper left hand corner to scroll through the individual pages of the IEP:
Snapshot of IEP database Rolodex



3. Once you’ve located the page you need, hit ‘ENTER’ on your keyboard, or click the blue “Continue” button: Snapshot of "Continue" button


4. The database will then prompt you with a series of popup windows:

Print this IEP? (hit Cancel)
Print Assessment Participation Page? (hit Cancel)
Preview Additional Comments Page? (hit Cancel)
Preview Goals and Objectives? (hit Cancel)

5.  The database will take you back to the Print Menu.  Use the checkboxes to select the individual IEP page(s) that you wish to print, and hit the “Print Selected Forms” button.
Snapshot of "Print Selected Forms" button



High School Courses in Sped Database

The high school courses listed in the SpEd database have been updated to reflect the courses that are currently listed in PowerSchool.

As always, to enter courses in a student’s secondary transition plan you need to select a Course Category from one of the drop down lists at the left.  Once the category is chosen you can choose from a drop down list of available courses in that category (see images below).

For diploma-bound students, this section of the transition plan should lay out a minimum of 22 planned credits—the number of credits required to earn a high school diploma. The small box to the lower left of the courses will keep a running count for you as you enter courses and their corresponding credits into the grid.

Snapshot of course category dropdown list

Snapshot of course dropdown list

Printing Procedural Safeguards

Parent Rights/Procedural Safeguards can now be accessed and printed directly from the special ed database.  The new “Print Procedural Safeguards” button on the Print screen in the Sped database will take you to a pdf version of the file.

Snapshot of "Print Procedural Safeguards" button

A link to this file can also be found on the Pupil Services section of the KPBSD webpage.  The link was just updated today with the most recent version of Procedural Safeguards from the state—the current version is dated “August 2012” on the cover page.

Snapshot: Where to find the procedural safeguards on the KPBSD webpage

Changes to Referral Screen

I’ve made some changes to the Referral Info screen in the sped database to help clarify which paperwork is required when.  The sections in darker blue are required only for initial referrals—these sections should not be modified at a 3-year re-eval.

The Consent for Evaluation, however, must be completed at every initial referral and 3-year re-eval when the team determines that formal testing is required as part of the evaluation.  Please be sure that you update both date fields in the Consent for Eval section.  The first date is the date that the consent form was sent/given to the parents and the second date is the date it was actually received by you.  In many cases these dates will be the same.  The second date field is the one that starts the 75 day timeline in which the ESER and IEP must both be complete.

Snapshot of Referral screen in IEP database